Just been listening to the fantastic Jelly Jazz Radio Podcast and we got a little shout out from Pete! He was in Winchester last week and we went to say hello!
If you haven't heard the show before or checked out a LIVE Jelly Event then look at their website and go go go go! you are seriously missing out!
Hi Everyone Peagreen have now entered the world of twitter-book-shop!!
This week I have been putting together the BRAND NEW Peagreen Online Store!Check it out here >>>>You can buy Art Prints from our recent Gallery Show, the show poster & Some Tees also!Lots more things to be added very soon when we get a moment more! Happy Shopping!
Also if you like to keep up to date with what we are doing and the like then follow us on Twitter!
annnnnnnnd while your at it..... join the Peagreen Facebook group too! Go on you know you want to!
To brighten up the Children's Library we have created a huge map of the world and a very very fancy clock. All done with printed wallpaper and cut vinyls.
The picture are particularly bad, but the graphics look amazing. Better pictures will follow>>>>>
Last Thursday saw our first ever gallery show at our studio in Winchester. It was a great evening with many familiar faces and lots of new ones coming along to check out, buy and in one case try to steal the work !! :o0
We produced a selection of limited edition art prints, one off pieces, t-shirts and badges etc...which will shortly be available online if they don't sell out before friday (when the show closes, hurry hurry!!!)
Thanks to everyone who came along and helped make the evening a great success....all the peagreeners had so much fun!
Also a huge thanks to Alick Cotterill who battled through the crowds to take some fantastic photographs and document the evening for all to enjoy! Check his lovely work out here>>>>>
...Izzy, Michael, Lisa, Dan, Josie, James, Hannah, Andy, George & Emma. The Studio is in Winchester in the UK.
Over the years we have worked with people such as MoMA New York, Habitat, Nike, Paperchase, Gap Inc.,Urban Outfitters, Stussy & many more...
Here you can check out what's inspiring us and work we have been doing!
Be sure to visit our BIG CARTEL Shop and check out our posters and tees for sale too!